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Punk Stuff
45 Grave
Detailed discography with release
dates, photos and bios.
Artrouble C21 / David Allen
Photos and graphic design from David Allen and the late Jules Bates; the folks who brought you many of the first wave of LA punk fliers, Dickies and Devo album covers, and other monumental events.
Blank Generation
Punk record reviews; garage, pogo punk,
power pop, oi, street punk, and '77 style. Also news,
editorials, and punk history.
The Crowd
Veteran HB punk band's "official" website.
Epitaph Records
Official site, with info and pictures of most Epitaph bands.
Gash Cream
Garage/punk/metal record reviews, editorials, humor and stories.
The House of the Rising Punk
Gobs of punk links, sorted by catagory.
Now semi-deceased. Formerly massive site with commentary, jokes and reviews of concerts,
albums, TV and movies.
The Punk and Ska Archive
Links, reviews, tabs, chat room and message board.
Punk Rock in So Cal
An amazingly complete and detailed discography of the early days of Southern California punk. Lots of nice thumbnails of punk vinyl sleeves.
Search & Destroy!
Punk search engine with free e-mail, net radio and links sorted by
SiX fOot cRoW
An Ezine which covers a wide variety of cool offensive stuff.
Starvation Records
Home page for indie punk label. Editorials, MP3's, band info, and chat room.
A nice assortment of weird underground stuff, from music
to counter-culter, socio-political issues.
Lots of links, reviews, and a forum.
World Wide Punk
The mother of all punk sites; Links, reviews, interviews, MP3's, and
extremely entertaining message boards.
Discography, bio, and pictures.
Zed Records
This web page is all that remains of So Cal's oldest/coolest import/punk record store, formerly in Long Beach.
The Zero Jr. Archives
Loads of links and articles related to punk history.
Other Interesting Stuff
Animation Factory
Loads of free animated gif files.
Left leaning political humor, news and cartoons. Updated almost daily.
Betty Bowers is a Better Christian than You
Well executed religious parody page with adept use of Shockwave animation. Betty Bowers is a better Christian than Dr. Laura.
Brunching Shuttlecocks
Weird humor page, updated frequently.
ChildCare Action Project
A conservative christian page, that rates movies according to
violence, sexual content and blasphemy. They warn you which movies have
"excessive breast jiggle", "naked statues" (Star Wars, Episode 1), and
"disrespect towards elders". Unintentionally hilarious, a must
Church of the SubGenius
A religion (!?!) that worships a god named "Bob" (you can't
spell his name backwards).
Hate and other Neat Stuff
Images and information about various Peter Bagge comics, including
The Incident
Alleged photos of a strange, secret ritual held by a psychic society in
1950's Germany. This looks like a prank by someone with an extremely bent
sense of humor, but it could be real ... who knows?
Stories and news about UFO's, ghosts, yeti and other phenomenon, plus liberal commentary and opinion from radio personality Jeff Rense, who has a 1980's poodle-style haircut and is proud of it, but still puts together an interesting site, none-the-less.
Sam Sloan's Home Page
Tons of stuff to read here, all written by Sam Sloan, a New York taxi
driver and world chess champion. This guy has everything from conspiracy
theories about how Jerry Fallwell kidnapped his children, to details of how
he cyber-stalked an ex-girlfriend who sued him. Crazy but Entertaining.
Guerilla art show & culture jammers' handbook.
This Modern World
Tons of great cartoons and animations, plus a fascinating blog by alternative cartoonist Tom Tommorrow.
Truth and anger, plus independant news and commentary
What Really Happened?
Alternative news, opinion, and thought-provoking conspiracy theories.
Jim Woodring
A bizarre and entertaining page from the creator of Frank, Pupshaw,
and ManHog. If you've never seen Frank comics, you should.
A site that documents old Disneyland rides and attractions that were discontinued and no longer exist. Whoah Look! It's the Flying Saucer Ride ... what a flashback. If you grew up in OC, it's hard not to appreciate this site.